for teachers

Free digital citizenship lessons for teachers to help students stay safe online & take control of their digital lives. Designed to keep kids engaged with timely, real-world examples.

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DFI is the only standardized curriculum in the country that teaches kids how to stay safe when using technology.

earn credit

School districts like Colorado’s District 38 are starting to offer continuing education credit for teaching DFI in the classroom.

Built for the classroom

All programs & lessons developed using multimedia content designed to hold kids’ interest with relevant, real-life examples.

updated regularly

Tech changes constantly, and so does the way kids use it. Our lessons are updated regularly to teach kids what they need to know.

Have your Students gain more awareness and be safer on the internet and their devices.

Take lessons in-class or give as homework.


Here’s what teachers in Colorado’s District 38 earn by teaching DFI in the classroom:


Parent Academy & Victimology0.25
Digital Citizenship0.5
Substance Use0.5

DFi Presents at the International School Safety Institute on Teen Culture

The first step in keeping our schools safe is raising empathetic, emotionally-aware kids.

Drugs, Devices and Social-Emotional Learning Are All Connected

What the latest research tells us about emotional intelligence & teen substance use. From the Winter 2018 edition of NASRO’s School Safety publication.

Who uses DFI?

Here are just a few of the hundreds of schools who teach DFI’s digital citizenship curriculum.


What I like most is the consistency of the information across the courses, and the notes and outlines to teach the classes as they are supposed to be taught.

I’m a fan of all of it

I love the up to date and organized presentations

The videos provide to help strengthen some of the topics. They help break up presentations as well.

The consistent message being taught through every classroom is great and its helped both teachers and students to understand each other better

A benefit from having DFI curriculum is an increase in communication among parents and a substantial increase in communication between kids and parents.

I find it easier to open conversations with parents and students

Parent Acedemies are great for informing parents of the hidden risks online. We all know the obvious stuff but most have had their eyes opened to a much deeper need to monitor our kids digital footprint.

Understanding digital rights and responsibilities helps student to make better choices.

So important with the emotional intelligence ties throughout the curriculum

Easy way to get into the classroom and assemblies when there is an easy to use and good presentation already made for you

The work you do at DFI to put together usable training and programs makes it easier for me to get information out to families

The lessons are effective, particularly with the younger kids

Digital Citizenship courses are spot on: Students seemed to realize how much time they were spending on devices and agreed to find time to put them down.

Some kids opened up about their parents abusing drugs and how they don’t want to be like them. Lessons were eye openers.

This program definitely opens the communication doors with students. Something we have not been able to do well in the past

I have had several students say that they are happier online and feel more in control after realizing how the apps work and how they are designed be addictive and keep them engaged.


See why teachers in all 50 states turn to DFI to help kids gain control of their digital lives. Our curriculum keeps kids engaged with fresh, relevant content that speaks to the real life issues they face.



girl on pc

digital citizenship

The importance of being emotionally intelligent, having self-value over online perfection comparisons, and understanding the issues digital media creates.

substanceuse background programs

substance use

Describes the impact drugs have on a child’s life & how drug industries target children. Teaches students to manage their feelings without relying on drugs.



Get teens to cultivate healthy relationships while focusing on kindness. Bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and dating abuse are also covered.

distracted driving

distracted driving

Teach students the dangers of distracted driving & how to focus when behind the wheel. Encourages teens not to use devices while driving.

mom daughter computer

parent academy

Built to help busy parents understand the role technology plays in their kids' lives— and what smart families can do about it.

Ready to get started?

Quickstart guide to quality remote classroom experiences

Not all remote learning solutions are created the same. Here is our list of which apps are safe for kids—and which ones you should avoid.